"The camera is an instrument that teaches people how to see without a camera." - Dorothea Lange

Friday, December 21, 2012

a few quick nuggets from suzanne's recent emails

Some tidbits from Suzanne regarding the past couple days at SMK:

Natalie finally got her luggage! Six days in the same pants, and she (who rarely wears pants) was actually thrilled to be reunited with her recently purchased pair of cargo pants!

The dining room has a beautiful fresh coat of paint. Tomorrow the team will put the children’s handprints on the walls, along with some uplifting messages.

Team member Leah learned how to make banana dolls and made her own with the help of SMK orphan and sponsored student Sheila.

There was apparently a wild jump rope scene at the end of the day, including some crazy moves by headmaster Moses and nurse Douglas.

Holly is busy doing medical check-ups on all of the children.

Josh has been busy teaching computer skills.

There is a project the team is calling ”toilet paper art” which has gone well. (I have no idea what it looks like. Hoping for pics soon.)

Melissa’s new nickname is “Team Queen.”

There are lots of friendship bracelets being made, and there are lots of new friendships being made, as well.

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